2 Things Business Owners Can Do To Help The Environment

As a business owner, you have many resources available to you to help your business go green. Choosing to do this is not only good for the environment, but it will improve your company's image, save you money, and attract new customers. Below are two things you can do so you can get can started helping the environment.

Use Water Delivery Services

Instead of using water from a faucet, hire a water delivery service to bring you water. This helps your company use less water. The water will come to you in large jugs that come in a variety of sizes. The water is already filtered so you will not have to worry about getting it filtered.

Instead of  purchasing canned drinks or a lot of bottled drinks, your employees can choose to use reusable water bottles to cut down on the amount of plastic that is used each week. If they do this, however, they do need to make sure their water bottles stay sanitized to prevent illness.

Set up a schedule with the water delivery service to deliver your water each week or every few days, depending on how much you need. They can go over the process with you so you can get this set up.

Hire an Energy Auditor

Hire an energy auditor to inspect your building to determine how much energy you are using. If you are using too much, this is costing your company money, such as in higher electrical bills each month.

The energy auditor will inspect each room for any air leaks using special equipment, such as equipment that can detect how much air you are losing around doors and windows. The auditor makes sure you have enough insulation so you do not lose energy. He or she also checks the duct work  for leaks. The energy auditor will ask to see past utility bills, and ensure your HVAC unit is running efficiently.

Once the auditor finishes auditing your business, he or she will give you a checklist of things you can check throughout the year to ensure your company continues using less energy. Contact an energy auditor in your area to learn more about what they can do for you.

Along with these two ideas, consider other ways you can turn your company green, such as setting up a recycling program and making sure you turn your lights off at the end of each day before you leave.
