2 Things Business Owners Can Do To Help The Environment

As a business owner, you have many resources available to you to help your business go green. Choosing to do this is not only good for the environment, but it will improve your company's image, save you money, and attract new customers. Below are two things you can do so you can get can started helping the environment. Use Water Delivery Services Instead of using water from a faucet, hire a water delivery service to bring you water. Read More 

Tips For Keeping Your Receptionist Desk Well Organized And Functional

If you have recently started working as a receptionist, then you likely have a new receptionist desk that you need to become comfortable with. If this is your first time working in an office, then you should know that the setup of your desk is key. Keep reading to learn about the best tips that can help you keep yourself organized and working well. Setup Your Desk Properly Before you begin your job, you want to set up your disk properly for better work flow. Read More 

Factors That Affect The Price You Will Pay For A Gym Floor Tarp

The flooring in most school gyms is made from maple wood. This is because these gyms often double as indoor basketball courts and this is what indoor basketball courts are made of. Unfortunately though, in schools, most gyms have to be multi-functional. They are not only used by basketball teams. Cheerleaders may use the space to practice their stunts, dances can be held in the space, the color guard can practice their flag twirling in the space, and rallies or graduations may be held inside. Read More 

DIY Fence Building: 4 Air Compressor Add-Ons To Help Speed Up The Job

Adding a fence on your property is a great way to add privacy, landscaping design, and safety for pets or children. The costs of a fence installation can quickly add up if you're hiring a contractor to complete the job. You can save hundreds of dollars if you choose to complete a fence installation on your own. By purchasing your own materials, you can quickly build a fence and feel proud of the creation that you built. Read More 

Storage Solutions When You Have A Boss That Saves Everything

In a world where digital communication and storage reigns, it's still possible to get hired by a boss who insists on saving every piece of paper that crosses their desk. The hoarding habit might not even be limited to paper items, either. Promotional giveaway items they gather at trade shows, the signed football the guys in shipping gave for a birthday present last year, old reference books from college days, and dozens of other doodads can make the boss's office look cluttered beyond what you'd normally expect from a person in charge. Read More